
Monday, January 7, 2008

Car Problems the Budget Killer

I swear it is just some kind of cosmic law that when you have everything planned out your car acts up. Well, add mine to the list. I am going to have to pay probably over $500 to get it fixed. I am having a hard time trying to decide how to do it. I still have that credit card they sent me because mine expired so I could use that. If I use my emergency cash right now it will take ALL of it to pay off the bill. I still have other accounts I could liquidate but it will take a while and on my TD account I will lose the $100 bonus. I think I am going to use the card... eeek.... and once I get my tax return back pay off the amount I added for the car. That way I do have some emergency cash left. I MAY do part cash and part on the card. That might lessen the blow a bit. We will see. I don't think I have to decide until tomorrow. Any reader input would be great!!

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