
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Disaster Strikes Again!

Can I just say I am SO glad I bumped up my emergency fund? I added an extra thousand to it from our tax refund this year and thank God I did, because I am about to have to tap into it.

I haven't been around this month because I have been SICK! It started out as bronchitis and turned into ASTHMA! I didn't know you could just "get" asthma. I thought it was something you were born with. I also never realized how serious it could be. I thought it just made you short of breath. I didn't know it could land you in the hospital for a week. That is where I just got back from.

So, over the last 3 weeks I have spent at least $300 on medications. We paid $500 to have our ventilation system cleaned out (the worst vent that was full of mold was directly over my head in bed each night). And, I have no idea how much 6 nights in the hospital with two doctors, the respiratory department, an xray, cat scan, blood gas, respiratory test, and meds for all that will cost. But, you know me! I have a plan!

I have used all of our grocery money for the meds and other things so we are going to have to pull money now to eat. I am going to take only what I absolutely have to take out. After this month is done, I will start putting the money back into our emergency fund using the debt snowball money. Once that is paid back up I am going to go back to the debt snowball. Hopefully by the time I get the bills from the hospital and doctors I will have my car paid off. This way I can pay the hospital bills from the emergency fund and start the process again. But, if the car is paid off this will not take as long (hopefully about 2 months) before things are back to normal.

This is the first time it has not upset me to tap into our extra money. I feel good about it because I have a plan, and the best part is the money was there when we needed it! I think this is the first big crisis we have been through where I didn't have to worry about money! If you haven't started an emergency fund yet DO IT NOW!!! You never know what is going to happen. If anyone had told me I would get asthma as an adult I would have called them crazy.

** As far as how I am doing, I am still having trouble but at least am out of the hospital and able to go back to work on Monday. I am doing EVERYTHING I have been told to get better and then some because if I lose anymore time from work now I will be docked as I am out of days.

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